I. Welcome. [1 minute]
Facilitators: Pablo Garcia, Eddie Peel, Dont Rhine, Robert Sember
II. 4'33" [7 minutes]
A. Silence.
B. Evaluate the Silence.
III. Review Minutes. [7 minutes]
Location: Hammer Museum of Art
Date: May 5, 2005
IV. Open the Record. [35 minutes]
A. First Speaker: Terri Baltimore
1. Testimony (Time, Name, Org., Statement)
2. Review the Record.
B. Second Speaker: Shennod Moore
1. Testimony (Time, Name, Org., Statement)
2. Review the Record.
C. Third Speaker: Caroline Acker
1. Testimony (Time, Name, Org., Statement)
2. Review the Record.
D. Fourth Speaker: Nathaniel Williams
1. Testimony (Time, Name, Org., Statement)
2. Review the Record.
V. Open to the Floor. [40 minutes]
A. Fifth Speaker.
B. Sixth Speaker.
C. Seventh Speaker.
D. Eighth Speaker.
E. Ninth Speaker.
F. Tenth Speaker.
G. Eleventh Speaker.
H. Twelfth Speaker.
I. Thirteenth Speaker.
J. Fourteenth Speaker.
K. Fifteenth Speaker.
VI. Close the Record. [1 minute]
[TRT: 105 minutes]