I. Welcome. [1 minute]
Facilitators: Pablo Garcia, Eddie Peel, Dont Rhine
II. 4'33" [8 minutes]
A. Silence.
B. Evaluate the Silence.
III. Review Minutes. [8 minutes]
Location: Baltimore Museum of Art
Date: Saturday, April 16, 2005
IV. Open the Record. [25 minutes]
A. First Speaker: Ferd Eggan
1. Testimony (Time, Name, Org., Statement)
2. Testing the Record.
B. Second Speaker: Valerie Spenser
1. Testimony (Time, Name, Org., Statement)
2. Testing the Record.
C. Third Speaker: Patricia Navarro
1. Testimony (Time, Name, Org., Statement)
2. Testing the Record.
D. Fourth Speaker: Bamby Salcedo
1. Testimony (Time, Name, Org., Statement)
2. Testing the Record.
V. Open to the Floor. [12 minutes]
A. Fifth Speaker.
B. Sixth Speaker.
C. Seventh Speaker.
D. Eighth Speaker.
VI. Close the Record. [1 minute]
[TRT: 55 minutes]